Our instructor-led and self-paced online employer classes are designed to help you understand your business-related reporting responsibilities. You'll learn how to effectively use myCalPERS and avoid late fees and administrative costs.

Register for classes by logging in to your myCalPERS business partner account, and then selecting the Education tab. We recommend taking the Business Rules classes before the myCalPERS classes to ensure a comprehensive and well-structured CalPERS education experience.

If you don't have myCalPERS access, contact your agency’s system access administrator.

To request training at your office, contact our employer education team at CalPERS_Employer_Communications@calpers.ca.gov. Our educators can visit your agency to provide tailored education and training at no cost.

Instructor-Led Classes

Join our in-person and virtual classes with live instructors. You can learn retirement and health business rules or how to navigate and process transactions in myCalPERS.

Business Rules

Gain a better understanding of the laws and rules associated with your agency’s retirement and/or health contract. Our classes are employer-specific and customized to your employer type: school, public agency, or state.


Learn how to navigate and process transactions in myCalPERS. Attend an in-person class for a hands-on experience where you can complete transactions in a training environment. Or join a virtual class where an instructor will demonstrate the scenarios in our student guides.